Thursday, August 5, 2010

Are we winning the war against cancer?

Numerous bulletins to the public from time to time have announced our progress in the fight against cancer, advising of breakthroughs or significant inroads against this disease, in the form of new drugs and treatments, preventive measures, dietary updates, major discoveries and advances and financing. And much of the population has become involved in this fight. Such activities as the Race for the Cure and similar events have attracted hundreds of thousands nationwide to become personally involved in the ongoing endeavor to defeat this disease.

As a result it is felt by many that these activities, in combination with the frequent communiques that the incidence of one form or another of cancer was decreasing--was being trimmed--by major advances, that the "cure" was just around the corner, that we are on the verge of significantly silencing this ruthless killer.

But is this the case?

Unfortunately, it is not. In an investigative report to the public in the April 24, 2009, issue of The New York Times, respected science writer Gina Kolata reports that 'As Other Death Rates Fall, Cancer's Scarcely Moves.' In this article the author indicates that in the last 60 years, for example, the death rate--the number of deaths adjusted for population age and size--has plummeted for heart disease, stroke and other disease modalities. But for cancer it has hadly budged.

Kolata indicates the decrease in death rate for cancer in those 60 years is only 5 percent, compared to a decrease of 67 percent for heart disease in that same time.

But is death rate a credible measure of progress in cancer? Yes, researchers say. While death rates are not perfect, they are considered the most valid measure, used by the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute to assess progress in this disease.

But why?-- Why has there been virtually no progress in cancer death rates in the last half-century or more? Because of the lack of "transforming discoveries" in prevention and treatment, according to scientists quoted in this New York Times article. What is a "transforming discovery?" It is a major discovery capable of interdicting a disease or disease process. An example of a 'transforming discovery' in treatment would be the advent of insulin, whose discovery virtually normalized the lives of millions of diabetics the world over. A 'transforming discovery' in prevention would be the Salk polio vaccine, the first medical treatment which prevented the contraction of poliomyelitis in millions of people worldwide and brought this disease to a virtual standstill in every nation on earth. Transforming discoveries have the capacity to beneficially affect great portions of the population.

Have there been any 'transforming discoveries' in cancer? In order to have a transforming discovery, one has to first undertand the disease. In the case of cancer, we don't even know what cancer is. Is it a disease? Is it more than one disease? Is it caused by heredity? By diet? By viruses? Bacteria? DNA mutations? Environmental pollution? We don't know. And until we know--and can understand--we are not likely to come up with a 'transforming discovery.'

So which is correct? The constant barrage of promising new advances that are causing cancer mortality and incidence to decrease in the general population, that we are on the verge of curing major cancers? --Or that the death rate in cancer has virtually not improved in the last 50 years--i.e., since the advent of modern cancer treatment?

Have the messages meted out to the public by the cancer establishment--the cancer organizations, the pharmaceutical industry, the academic institutions, the medical news media--been misleading, evasive?

We must decide this. If we decide that the decades-long death rates in this disease have remained stationary, we must send a message to our cancer leadership: and that message must be that we will no longer be duped into believing significant progress is being made, when statistics show it is not. That we will no longer contribute our energies, our resouces or acceptance to another decade of pursuing the same tired, old methods in defeating this disease.

We must send a message to our cancer leadership that the reason the death rate in this disease has remained the same--is that obviously there is something wrong with the way we understand cancer. Something wrong in what our comprehension of this disease is. Something wrong perhaps with our equation of the tumor with cancer.

For the past half-century or more our attention has been focused on the tumor. But all attempts to treat the tumor--to kill the tumor and therefore wipe out the disease--have in general been futile. Cytotoxic chemotheray, the major weapon to defeat cancer in the last 50 years, has succeeded in killing cancer cells, but in killing normal cells, too, and has been itself a cause of cancer mortality. Even the newer methods of treating this disease, genetic, monoclonal (antibodies) and other recombinant therapies, are posing limitations due to drug resistance and major drug toxicity. Every "push" we have made against the cancer, the cancer has seemed to "push back" harder.

In the case of diabetes we have made a basic understanding that the clinical symptoms of this disease--which kill patients--are due to a basic lack of insulin. A lack of a hormonal agent that facilitates the entry of glucose into a cell. We did not make the mistake of thinking that in diabetes it was the cells themselves that were "resistant" to the entry of glucose. That there was some pathologic process inherent in the body's cellular makeup that caused the cells to resist the passage of glucose. We did not spend our nation's entire bankroll or direct our country's almost total research programs to "fixing" the cell so that it would admit glucose. The discovery of insulin was indeed a "transforming discovery."

We must now do the same with cancer. It is obvious that treatment of the"tumor" will bring us more of the same, as in the last 50 years. It is obvious that the "tumor" is but the endpoint of the cancerous process, that the "tumor" is not the same as "the cancer." It is obvious that what have 'led up' to the tumor--the biochemical processes that have "caused" the tumor--are the vulnerable aspects of cancer where drug therapy may indeed be effective in stopping or reversing the cancerous process. Until we can understand cancer on a more 'intimate' basis--its biochemical or metabolic underpinnings--a "transforming discovery" in this disease is not likely to occur.

When we can finally turn our attention to the reality that even though it is the "tumor" that kills, it is in an understanding of those processes that lead up to tumor formation--its metabolic and biochemical fundamentals--that the war on cancer will truly be won.


Anonymous said...

Nice fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

Winfield J. Abbe said...

Here are two recent blogs, one in the Seattle forum and the other in the London forum:
Fooling the public at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

High dose Vitamin C kills cancer cells

These articles have to do with activites of two prominent individuals who won the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2001, Sir Paul Nurse and Lee Hartwell, both of whom have been provided numerous kudos and accolades with Nurse the current president of Rockefeller University in New York and Hartwell the president of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, Washington. Exaggerated claims have been made about how their contributions to cell division apply to the failed war on cancer with about half a million victims dying every year from either cancer, treatment or both, usually treatment but falsely reported as cancer to protect the doctor from liabilitly claims. I asked both of them how many of the 500+ scientific papers and books of Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph.D. they have read. Isn't this a fair question for these distinguished "scientists" who have positions of responsibility and make very good money while many others are losing their homes, jobs and going on welfare? But instead of a candid, honest answer, all I get is silence. While this silence does not prove they have not read any papers of Otto Warburg, the genius in Germany from 1883 to 1970, it provides strong reasons to believe they have not read a single word of them and likely formed their prejudiced opinion of him based on the hearsay and innuendo of other prejudiced non scientists too. This is why, in part, the war on cancer is a dismal failure today.
Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

Winfield J. Abbe said...

As a post script to the above comment, I urge all interested persons to read the blogs and even make comments themselves promptly.
There are others out there who seek to protect these big shots like Nurse and Hartwell from any public criticism. They can secretly complain behind the scenes and have my blogs erased. This has been done with others I have written on the late Dr. Van Potter at the University of Wisconsin and an extensive blog documenting corrupt conflicts of interest and prejudice against Otto Warburg by numerous individuals at or associated with Harvard University. Both were erased without a trace or any explanation to me. This is the problem with the internet today. Powerful forces are at work every day to fool the gullible public about the dismal failure of the war on cancer in the U.S. and elsewhere for that matter. Remember this: Drug companies have more money than government. They are the evil root which is destroying healhcare in the world.
They have so much money they can do and accomplish anything. They can destroy anyone and any theory.
They can brainwash duped citizens into believing that 3 equals 5, or objects fall up instead of down or that the earth is flat and not round. Americans are easily fooled anyway by watching too many football games and destroying their brain cells with alcohol. This just makes it easier for the drug companies.
Therefore, read the above blogs before they have been erased in secret.
Once one Thomas Maugh, who possesses a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of California, and is a reporter for the LATimes, sought to belittle me for defending and promoting Otto Warburg, M.D. Ph.D. He even said that "his work was proved wrong long ago" or words to that effect. But he provided no, zero, written proof that the work of Otto Warburg was wrong. I have read many articles and I have found none proving that anything Otto Warburg did on cancer was wrong. This comment by an individual with a Ph.D. is abaolutely meaningless and worth about as much as a comment by a 5 year old child. Obviously he has been brainwashed too by others determined to deny Otto Warburg is rightful place in the history of science. Otto Warburg was a genius of the highest order and his memory must not be allowed to be trampled by ignorant, gutless cowards who call themselves "scientists" but who are in fact little more than cheap
snake oil salesmen purveyors or toxic, worthless, drugs.

Winfield J. Abbe said...

As a post script to the above comment, I urge all interested persons to read the blogs and even make comments themselves promptly.
There are others out there who seek to protect these big shots like Nurse and Hartwell from any public criticism. They can secretly complain behind the scenes and have my blogs erased. This has been done with others I have written on the late Dr. Van Potter at the University of Wisconsin and an extensive blog documenting corrupt conflicts of interest and prejudice against Otto Warburg by numerous individuals at or associated with Harvard University. Both were erased without a trace or any explanation to me. This is the problem with the internet today. Powerful forces are at work every day to fool the gullible public about the dismal failure of the war on cancer in the U.S. and elsewhere for that matter. Remember this: Drug companies have more money than government. They are the evil root which is destroying healhcare in the world.
They have so much money they can do and accomplish anything. They can destroy anyone and any theory.
They can brainwash duped citizens into believing that 3 equals 5, or objects fall up instead of down or that the earth is flat and not round. Americans are easily fooled anyway by watching too many football games and destroying their brain cells with alcohol. This just makes it easier for the drug companies.
Therefore, read the above blogs before they have been erased in secret.
Once one Thomas Maugh, who possesses a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of California, and is a reporter for the LATimes, sought to belittle me for defending and promoting Otto Warburg, M.D. Ph.D. He even said that "his work was proved wrong long ago" or words to that effect. But he provided no, zero, written proof that the work of Otto Warburg was wrong. I have read many articles and I have found none proving that anything Otto Warburg did on cancer was wrong. This comment by an individual with a Ph.D. is abaolutely meaningless and worth about as much as a comment by a 5 year old child. Obviously he has been brainwashed too by others determined to deny Otto Warburg is rightful place in the history of science. Otto Warburg was a genius of the highest order and his memory must not be allowed to be trampled by ignorant, gutless cowards who call themselves "scientists" but who are in fact little more than cheap
snake oil salesmen purveyors or toxic, worthless, drugs.

Winfield J. Abbe said...

As a post script to the above comment, I urge all interested persons to read the blogs and even make comments themselves promptly.
There are others out there who seek to protect these big shots like Nurse and Hartwell from any public criticism. They can secretly complain behind the scenes and have my blogs erased. This has been done with others I have written on the late Dr. Van Potter at the University of Wisconsin and an extensive blog documenting corrupt conflicts of interest and prejudice against Otto Warburg by numerous individuals at or associated with Harvard University. Both were erased without a trace or any explanation to me. This is the problem with the internet today. Powerful forces are at work every day to fool the gullible public about the dismal failure of the war on cancer in the U.S. and elsewhere for that matter. Remember this: Drug companies have more money than government. They are the evil root which is destroying healhcare in the world.
They have so much money they can do and accomplish anything. They can destroy anyone and any theory.
They can brainwash duped citizens into believing that 3 equals 5, or objects fall up instead of down or that the earth is flat and not round. Americans are easily fooled anyway by watching too many football games and destroying their brain cells with alcohol. This just makes it easier for the drug companies.
Therefore, read the above blogs before they have been erased in secret.
Once one Thomas Maugh, who possesses a Ph.D. degree in chemistry from the University of California, and is a reporter for the LATimes, sought to belittle me for defending and promoting Otto Warburg, M.D. Ph.D. He even said that "his work was proved wrong long ago" or words to that effect. But he provided no, zero, written proof that the work of Otto Warburg was wrong. I have read many articles and I have found none proving that anything Otto Warburg did on cancer was wrong. This comment by an individual with a Ph.D. is abaolutely meaningless and worth about as much as a comment by a 5 year old child. Obviously he has been brainwashed too by others determined to deny Otto Warburg is rightful place in the history of science. Otto Warburg was a genius of the highest order and his memory must not be allowed to be trampled by ignorant, gutless cowards who call themselves "scientists" but who are in fact little more than cheap
snake oil salesmen purveyors or toxic, worthless, drugs.

Winfield J. Abbe said...

"The Price of a Smile" is the title of the video in NYTimes yesterday Nov. 23, 2010. Here is a link to an article
This article is "Radiation Worries for Children in Dentists' Chair" by Walt Bogdanich and Jo Craven McGinty, NYTimes, Nov. 22, 2010. The point is the FDA has not properly tested and approved its safety for this purpose.
Everyone should listen to and watch the above video and read the article. These are excellent investigative reports published by the New York Times, which show that this relatively new technology is being used by dentists for cosmetic reasons, but without proper scientific proof of safety by them or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The U.S. FDA has the power to require safety proof before any new medical device is used, but they have corruptly failed to do so in this instance. Some experts claim these devices emit more than 5 times the radiation of an ordinary dental x-ray. And often the procedure is used more than one time per patient per procedure. As another dentist said, this high energy radiation is going through the brain, eyes, thyroid, neck, etc. This is potentially very dangerous stuff and possibly cancer causing decades hence.
Even the dentists using the devices do not know how much radiation is being emitted to patients. And since children are even more sensitive to radiation, they are the most vulnerable.
Yet some doctors and others have been harassed by the FDA, even jailed, when using new technology without safety approval by the FDA.
Why none on these devices? This shows how corrupt the U.S. F.D.A. really is in practice.

Unknown said...

As i can see, at the site of Syracuse Cancer Research Institute (, success rate for HS is just about 0,8% (25-50% od tumor regression) which is at least three times less than chemotherapy rate.

Winfield J. Abbe said...

I have written numerous letters to scientists around the world asking them if they have read the work of Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph.D. before dismissing it. Most never reply. Here is a recent one to which I do not expect a reply either. This letter was dated about Jan. 16, 2011:
Professor Thomas Cech
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO

Dear Professor Cech: I noticed you are scheduled to give a lecture at UGA at Athens this week. I have skimmed your Nobel Lecture and read the biographical information about you.

You credit the American Cancer Society for supporting your work. You indicate they have given you a lifetime appointment.

While the word cancer is mentioned once in the biography for the Howard Hughes Institute, it is not mentioned, so far as I can see, in either the introductory research statement for your lab at Boulder or your Nobel Prize speech.

So the question is, what does all this have to do with cancer, its elucidation, treatment and cure? This question is not intended to be critical of you or your research.

I noticed that as a young student you were interested in physics via your parents. Let me give you an analogy in physics of what you and so many others appear to be doing today in so called "cancer" research:

We know the basic problem of the motions of the planets and gravitation was basically solved by Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler and Issac Newton many centuries ago. They did not understand the microscopic cause of gravitation then, nor did physicists understand it when I first took physics over 50 years ago, nor do they understand it today in 2011. But fortunately for us, that microscopic understanding is not necessary to build skyscrapers which do not fall down or planes which do not crash or space shuttles which safely travel to the Moon and back. As nice as it would be to understand the microscopic cause of gravity, fortunately for us we do not need that information to accomplish the above engineering feats of man do we?

What about the horrible disease of cancer? Are you aware that a great deal of information is known about this disease and has been known for quite some time, long before the discovery of DNA in about 1960? I ask you this question respectfully, because it appears to me the answer is that you do not know this information and have not read it because you have been so busy on the very narrow, however important, problems on which you have been occupied for so long. You may have also been prejudiced against Otto Warburg by other prejudiced non scientists.

Are you aware of Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph.D.? He has been described as the greatest biochemist of the twentieth century. He lived from 1883-1970 in Germany. He was nominated for 3 Nobel Prizes, the first cancer prize in 1926 for his cancer work which was unfortunately given to Fibiger; the prize in medicine and physiology in 1931 actually awarded for his work on cell respiration, and again in 1944 for different work but denied due to Hitler's decree. Three of his pupils were also awarded Nobel prizes in medicine and physiology. Hans Krebs, Otto Meyerhof and Hugo Theorell, all shared with others.
Dr. Warburg published over 500 scientific papers and/or books or sections of books in his lifetime on many research subjects including but not limited to cancer and cell respiration. How many of them have you read? What do you think of his conclusions about cancer first published from experiments and facts for animals about 1923 and subsequently proved for humans during roughly the 1955-1965 period? Do you claim he is wrong and if so, why is he wrong?
Continued below.

Winfield J. Abbe said...

Here is another letter I wrote to another scientist to which there is a rare reply. The reply appears first below, followed by the letter:
Dear Winfield,

Thanks for your challenging letter. Responding one-step-at-a-time: What do you find "speculative" and "unproved" about my work on cancer causation? I attach two papers of mine for your info (one from 2007, the other from 2010).

With kind regards,

Peter D.

On 7/21/10 6:29 PM, wrote:
Professor Peter Duesberg July 21, 2010
Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, California

Dear Professor Duesberg: You make a number of speculative unproved claims about cancer causation. But you do not appear to be aware of the former genius in Germany Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph.D. although you are from Germany and educated there.

Are you aware of Otto Warburg M.D., Ph.D.? He was nominated for 3 Nobel Prizes; the first cancer prize in 1926 for his cancer work which was unfortunately given to Fibiger; the prize in medicine and physiology in 1931 actually awarded for his work on cell respiration, and again in 1944 for different work but denied due to Hitler's decree. Three of his pupils were also awarded Nobel prizes in medicine and physiology: Hans Krebs, Otto Meyeroff and Hugo Theorell, all shared with others.
Dr. Warburg published over 500 scientific papers and/or books or sections of books in his lifetime (1883-1970) on many research subjects including but not limited to cancer and cell respiration. How many of them have you read? What do you think of his conclusions about cancer first published from experiments and facts for animals in about 1923 and subsequently proved for humans during the 1955-1965 period? Do you claim he is wrong and if so, why is he wrong?

Yours sincerely,

Winfield J. Abbe
A.B., Physics, UC Berkeley, 1961
M.S., Physics, California State University at Los Angeles, 1962
Ph.D., Physics, UC Riverside, 1966
150 Raintree Ct.
Athens, GA 30607

Copy to professor Dr. Helmut Efinger, Ph.D. (Austria) and Brian Peskin, E.E., author of the book "The Hidden Story of Cancer" by Brian Peskin, E.E. and Amid Habib, M.D., Pinnacle Press, Houston, 2006-2008

Winfield J. Abbe said...

The following comment was placed today at an article in the Los Angeles Times disclosing that Mr. Kerkorian donated about $100 million to the UCLA medical research center.
Dear Mr. Kerkorian: I know you are a very intelligent and busy man. I support the intent of your generous gift to UCLA, but I dispute its value. I urge you to read a few references and withdraw your gift.
Yes, UCLA has some top cancer researchers like Professor Rowan T. Chlebowski, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Chlebowski spent roughly ten years objectively studying a cheap and inexpensive drug developed by another distinguished medical doctor Joseph Gold, M.D. at Syracuse, New York but who also did graduate work at UC Berkeley decades earlier. The drug is called hydrazine sulfate and is very inexpensive.
The book “The Cancer Industry Unravelling the Politics” by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., Paragon House, N.Y., 1989 has 23 pages devoted to this subject pp. 187-210, all of Chapter 10. The subject is also thoroughly discussed in this paper by Dr. Gold: “The Truth About Hydrazine Sulfate-Dr. Gold Speaks” by Joseph Gold, M.D., in 2005 and later. Space does not permit a thorough analysis here, so please, Mr. Kerkorian, read these articles. Here is a brief summary.

All advanced cancer patients develop a wasting disease called cachexia, resulting from the glucose metabolism, discovered earlier by the genius in Germany Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph.D.. This disease results from lactic acid being dumped into the body from the anerobic cancer glucose metabolism and recycled in the liver and other organs. This cheap and inexpensive drug, hydrazine sulfate is a way to prevent this insidious process.

Professor Chlebowski, and many colleagues, spent roughly a decade, ten years or more, objectively studying this substance in patients following an extensive study by other scientists in the Soviet Union. All came to the conclusion that this is a very valuable aid to cancer patients. But the cancer generals of the NIH and NCI and ACS obstructed the work and even lied about it on a government website as documented by the article by Dr. Gold above. They did this because they seek to corruptly protect the corrupt pharmaceutical companies which are bankrupting our country. The members of the government Gestapo even raided laboratories and confiscated all samples and written articles about this very important and scientifically demonstrably useful drug. Here is a brief quotation from page 209 of the above book by Moss:

“On June 7, 1989 agents of the Food and Drug Administration raided the offices of Great Lakes Metabolics of Rochester, Minnesota and A-O Supply Company of Millersport, Ohio, distributors of hydrazine sulfate. They seized not only supplies of the drug but all the writings pertaining to it, including the earlier edition of this book and the author’s newsletter, “The Cancer Chronicle (Spykerman, 1989).”

Mr. Kerkorian, Professor Chlebowski and his associates played by the rules. He is admittedly a top cancer researcher and scientist. Dr. Gold played by the rules. The cancer generals did NOT play by the rules and even lied about this substance on a government website. UCLA, which benefits from the Gestapo government has remained cowardly ambivalent and deafeningly silent about all this corruption in cancer research, as have the other cowardly campuses sucking off the federal teats. All they care about is money, not enlightenment, truth, knowledge and understanding. They are even in violation of the Motto of the University of California “Let There Be Light” or “Fiat Lux” in Latin.
Continued below:

Winfield J. Abbe said...

The cancer generals have squandered over $105 billion since the failed war on cancer began in 1971, but they not only cannot tell you scientifically what cancer is, they also cannot cure and prevent it in the human body. Most of their “scientists” have not even read the seminal papers on the subject by Otto Warburg, M.D.,Ph.D., decades ago. This is failure Mr. Kerkorian, not success.
Your life is based on success, not failure. Obviously you are not familiar with these facts or you would not have provided this huge sum to UCLA. Please withdraw it now, today.

Thank you for your consideration.

Winfield J. Abbe
A.B., Physics, UC Berkeley, 1961
M.S., Physics, California State University at Los Angeles, 1962
Ph.D., Physics, UC Riverside, 1966
Born at Cleveland, Ohio, 1939, grew up at Sierra Madre, California, presently reside at Athens, GA.

neets said...

basic facts about cancer
Cancer is a disease in which cells acting unusual, grow and reproduce more than the normal limits and abilities. The spread of aggressive and will attack Tues, corrupt and destroy nearby tissue, also known as metastasis. There are three primary malignant properties of cancer cells that is aggressive, jumping and quickly spread. Tues benign do not have these properties and is considered relatively safe, even if they also have a tendency to change into cells malignant.READ MORE>>>>

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Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in October 2013. In December my doctor was pressuring me to get one of my lung nodules removed and begin chemotherapy as soon as possible. I wanted to wait it out just a little bit longer, I guess my intuition was telling me something. While browsing online I stumbled upon Rick Simpson Oil and was very interested. It seemed unreal, It was very hard to believe but I bought his book and read it cover to cover. Wow, that is all I could say. The things I read flipped my understanding of nutrition and cancer upside down. And my doctor never told me any of these things.I ordered for his oil at: and was delivered to me within 48 hours, I started the protocol the same day after finishing the book. A few days later I woke up and I had no pain in my side, that was interesting. Two days later I could walk outside for a good half an hour and not get fatigued. My health was improving so fast I actually couldn't believe it. A week later I sent my HCG urine test in and it went down by 5 points!! I had to get these results tested with my doctor just to be sure.I scheduled an appointment, did my scans, and guess what. Two of my tumors had disappeared, and the third one was half the size, this is in three weeks after starting the protocol. One month later my doctor officially pronounced me cancer free. I owe my life to you RICK SIMPSON and I thank you dearly. I will pass this information to everyone I know and I hope all those suffering from cancer know that it's not the end, there is a way!

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my want to use this wonderful opportunity to thank DR.ODUMA who helped me to win lottery ($66,000,000) i have spent so much money playing this game for many years, i sometime ask myself when i my going to win huge amount of money, one day i came across DR.ODUMA advertisement on internet who he helped people and grant their heart desire without any delay, so i decided to email him concerning the lottery game and explained thing to him. he assure me that my request will be granted once he cast the lucky spell i believe and follow his instructions, after the casting of the spell he sent me a ring wish i wear on my right figure for seven days without removing it from my hand, after everything i want to lottery office and played the game with the right figure right now i am short of wards i am a multimillionaire i won $66,000,000 he is the best man on earth to work with, he take away the poverty away from my generation......his direct email is

Anonymous said...

Dr Love Spell Caster be my savior in fixing my relationship problem back to Normal .I was reading an article About Dr love Spell Caster in online Forum site that Dr love helping people improving there marriage life and helping People getting there ex's back through Powerful Love spell so i request for DR LOVE help to solve my Relationship problem because i break up with my Ex boyfriend 3 months Ago he did not come back to me just because we had misunderstanding on some issue but still i tried to contact him to apologize but he did not revert and neither responding back to me. i love him allot mean the world to me. our relationship was more than 2 years but all of a sudden why he is reacting like this i could not understand because for no reason he said he dont want relationship with me again when i find out why he was acting strange to me just because of little misunderstand he has lady he was going out with from work but he dont tell me until i find out so i decide to contact Dr Love, tel +2348038096203 for help to bring him back because i don't want to lose him for any lady and let anyone to ride away my joy i still love Thomas so much and he is the Joy of my life.
Dr love told me Thomas will come back between 48 hrs if am ready to pay for the items he will use to Cast spell on him so i agree to pay for the items then give him necessary information he required, after that Dr told me to wait for 48 hours that Thomas will come back to me with rose flower and apologize. while waiting for Thomas to come back between 48 hours because i believe what Dr Love said so i was so excited to see Thomas,the next day evening someone was knocking my Door then i was in shower so when i finish i went straight to the door and see Thomas with flowers and telling me he was so sorry that i should forgive him. now things change better in my life because i have Thomas back in my life, thanks to Dr Love for fulfilled his promise to me.
warm regards

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in October 2014. In December
my doctor was pressuring me to get one of my lung nodules removed and
begin chemotherapy as soon as possible. I wanted to wait it out just a
little bit longer, I guess my intuition was telling me something.
While browsing online I stumbled upon Rick Simpson and how he has helped
people with his cannabis oil and i was very
interested. It seemed unreal, It was very hard to believe but I
bought his book and read it cover to cover. Wow, that is all I could
say. The things I read flipped my understanding of nutrition and
cancer upside down. And my doctor never told me any of these things.I
ordered for his oil at: and was delivered
to me within 48 hours, I started the protocol the same day
after finishing the book. A few days later I woke up and I had no pain
in my side, that was interesting. Two days later I could walk outside
for a good half an hour and not get fatigued. My health was improving
so fast I actually couldn't believe it. A week later I sent my HCG
urine test in and it went down by 5 points!! I had to get these
results tested with my doctor just to be sure.I scheduled an
appointment, did my scans, and guess what. Two of my tumors had
disappeared, and the third one was half the size, this is in three
weeks after starting the protocol. One month later my doctor
officially pronounced me cancer free. I owe my life to you RICK SIMPSON and I thank you dearly.
I will pass this information to everyone I know and I hope all those suffering from cancer know that
it's not the end, there is a way!

Anonymous said...

We are legitimate lender approve by the Federal Ministry of Finance, We Offer both Private,Commercial and Personal Loans with A Very Minimum annual Interest Rates of 3% within one(1) year to twenty five(25) years Repayment
duration period to any part of the world.We offer Loans with a capital base between a minimum amount of $2,000.00 and a maximum amount of $30,000,000 With an interest rate of 3% only.The time period is usually determined by the applicant. Contact Tony Max at: get your loan and pay up your bills, we have been tested and trusted, it is easy,fast and reliable.

Monica Smith said...

I am Kristin Spencer from USA, i want to use this medium to congratulate Dr ayaryi for the great help of spell he has render to my relationship outbreak. since the past 1 years i was in a relationship problem with my husband, he always get me beating, i never knew he has another girl outside the town, her name is Michel, until i got this great spell caster email address from the internet, so i email him and i laid all my complain to him, he promise me that i am to keep off away from him, and i really agreed on it, but on a condition that my lost ex will be back,,,, he really put some few items which he uses to consulting his great oracle, his plan for my relationship was fulfil and my lost ex was back again within 3 days... please if you are in such mess today please contact him at (

Anonymous said...

I am Vera Jones i lives in united states and i was in a serious relationship with my boyfriend for 3 years.. One day we were in a dinner party, we had a little misunderstanding which lead to a Quarrel and he stood up and left me at the dinner party. i try to call him but he was not picking my calls so after than i contacted my brother and told him about it,my brother so much love me that he had to see him on my behalf,he told my brother that it is over between us. I cry all day, Then i contacted a friend of mine that had this similar experience and she directed me to dr ovia , and i contacted him and tell him my problems how i lost my relationship with my lover. at first i thought it was not going to be possible.i was ask to come up with a little requirement information of me and my boyfriend,so i did what i was ask to do, after 24Hours the spell was cast i was in my office when clark called me and was asking me to forgive him. i was very surprise it was like a dream to me. my boyfriend is now back and he treat me well. and our relationship is now stronger ask ever before. if you are out there looking for help is time for you to still put your hope on dr ovia spell caster, i promise you that you will be happy with your boyfriend again email him. or you can also call him with this number +2348100397580

Anonymous said...

I am Mrs Beson Sophia, from New York i want to use this
medium to congratulate Dr Cely, for the
great help of spell he has render to my relationship
outbreak. since the past 6 years i was in a
relationship problem with my ex, he always get me
beating, i never knew he has another girl outside the town, her
name is Michel, until i got this great spell caster
email address from the internet, so i email him and i
laid all my complain to him, he promise me that i am
to keep off away from him, and i really agreed on it,
but on a condition that my lost ex will be back,,,, he really put some few
items which he uses to
consulting his great oracle, his plan for my
relationship was fulfill and my lost ex was back
again within 48hrs... please if you are in such mess
today please
contact him at

Unknown said...

Am Tanya Albert from United State I was heartbroken that my boyfriend decided to leave the relationship, so I had the Retrieve A Lover spell cast. with Dr Ekpiku Within a week of the spell casting, he called "just to talk." After some pleasant talks and catching up, he asked to see me again. I felt he had started to turn around. I decided to give him a chance just to see. now we are happily married and He is absolutely crazy about me, i thank Dr Ekpiku for bringing back my ex, if you need his help you can contact him via

vannesa said...

My boyfriend and I were happy as far as I could tell and I never thought that we would break up. When his cousin died in a tragic car accident he went back to Philippine for a week to be with his family. I could not go because I was in the middle of entertaining out of town clients for work. He did not seem to be upset that I could not go so I let him be. The next thing that I know, he reconnected with an old friend from high school that he had a crush on years ago and they started to have an affair! I had no clue what was going on until 2 months after he came back from Philippine.He proceeded to see both her and I until I caught him testing her one night. I confronted him and he told me the truth about what happened. We broke up and went our separate ways. Neither of us fought for our relationship. I was angry and decided not to be upset about it and just keep it moving. Then after about a month of not speaking to him I became sad. I wanted him to tell me that he wanted to be with me and not her. I contacted lord aguma for a love spell and he totally helped me! he was able to get him to miss me to where he wanted to get back together again. He had a lot of regrets and felt bad for not fighting to keep me and for cheating in general. He values our relationship so much more now and we are together now! You can also get your lover back with the help of lord aguma contact him via email address

Richee said...

My Name is Emil.I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to Us the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him to I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good Again His Email Address Is:

jessica said...

'After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS'

page said...

Contact solutionpriest for any kind of problem...
such as
I wish i have found this spell caster earlier before spending my money on
spell without result.His powers are really amazing and i enjoyed the
satisfaction i gained from using his spell. He is really gifted with powers
to help people with their various problems. His email is called him on his phone number +2348106139395

jessica said...

'After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS'

Monica Smith said...

Good Day everybody, my names is Anabella Jude, am from the United State of America, i want to give thanks and honor to Dr iayaryi for the great work he did for me, he brought my lover within 24 hours which i never taught it will ever come through in my life, but this great man Dr iayaryi proved to me that powers can do wonders, i got his contact from a friend in the USA who he helped, this friend of mine told me that this man is great but i felt as hmm are you sure? cause i hardly believe those kind of things,so she told me not to worry that when i contact him, that she is guaranteeing me 100% that my lover will come back that if it does not work that she will be the one to give me back my money, to show her sincerity to me, she gave me her car that if it does not work that and she did not pay me the money that i spent that she i should collect her car and she gave me all the documents, i was so so surprised she was very serious about it so that was how i contacted him and i told him what i want he just told me that everything will be done within 24 hours so with the assurance my friend gave me i was having confident, so in the next 24 hours that he told me i just heard a knock on my door i never knew it was mark, so that was how i opened the door the first thing he did was to go on his knees, he started begging me to forgive him that he is very sorry for everything, i was really surprised and was also happy, so that was how i forgive him and now we are living together happily than ever before, and am using the media to invite my friends on my wedding which will coming up , am very happy thanks be to Lucy who gave me his contact and honor be onto Great Dr iayaryi who helped a lot, if you need his help or you want to thank him for me you can contact him through ( or (

Unknown said...

Am so happy to share my experience and testimony here about my happy family which suddenly got broken.I am Kimberly Johnson from Ohio,USA.I was married for 6 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture the man that used to love me before started picking quarrels with me he was so abusive that when i try to tell him the truth about how i feel and what he is doing is not right for the family, he gets very angry and hits me with any thing he sees around him. but i still loved him with all my heart despite all he has done to me and i wanted him back at all cost. then he filled for a divorce my whole life was tearing apart and i didn't know what to do,he moved out of the house and abandoned me and the kids. so a very close friend of mine told me about trying a love spell means to get my husband back she also use Prophet Zulu love spell to get back his divorce husband. And told me they are very much happy with there relationship. and she introduced me to the spell caster,at first i was surprised and scared so i decided to give it a try reluctantly,although i didn't believe in all those things, then when he did the special prayers, i was so surprised, after two days my husband came back and was pleading for my forgiveness, he had realized his mistakes, i just couldn't believe it, anyway we are back together now and we are now one big happy family we use to be. his contact address is, is spells is for a better life again. tel:+2348131612153

Unknown said...

Am so happy to share my experience and testimony here about my happy family which suddenly got broken.I am Kimberly Johnson from Ohio,USA.I was married for 6 years to my husband and all of a sudden, another woman came into the picture the man that used to love me before started picking quarrels with me he was so abusive that when i try to tell him the truth about how i feel and what he is doing is not right for the family, he gets very angry and hits me with any thing he sees around him. but i still loved him with all my heart despite all he has done to me and i wanted him back at all cost. then he filled for a divorce my whole life was tearing apart and i didn't know what to do,he moved out of the house and abandoned me and the kids. so a very close friend of mine told me about trying a love spell means to get my husband back she also use Prophet Zulu love spell to get back his divorce husband. And told me they are very much happy with there relationship. and she introduced me to the spell caster,at first i was surprised and scared so i decided to give it a try reluctantly,although i didn't believe in all those things, then when he did the special prayers, i was so surprised, after two days my husband came back and was pleading for my forgiveness, he had realized his mistakes, i just couldn't believe it, anyway we are back together now and we are now one big happy family we use to be. his contact address is, is spells is for a better life again. tel:+2348131612153

Anonymous said...

Are you in bad need of love spell to bring back your ex lover or reunite your marriage? Email Dr. OSUN for fast solution at I had a problem with my boyfriend a year and six months ago, which lead us apart. When he broke up with me, I was confuse and did not know what to do to get him back, I felt so empty inside. Until i came across Dr. OSUN on the internet on how He has helped so many people solve there various problems. i emailed Him and I told Him my problem and I did what he asked me to do for him to help me, to briefly make the long story short, Before I knew it, in less than a week, my boyfriend gave me a call and he came back to me and told me he was sorry about what was going on between the both of us, he engaged me and we got married. With the help of Dr. OSUN, I also gave birth to Twins. I'm so grateful to Dr. OSUN and His super natural spell casting powers and i will not stop publishing his name on the internet just for the good work he has done for me. If you need his help, you can email him at or call his phone number +2347035519489 and he will also help you too. I will be forever grateful to you (DR. OSUN). Website

Anonymous said...

Are you in bad need of love spell to bring back your ex lover or reunite your marriage? Email Dr. OSUN for fast solution at I had a problem with my boyfriend a year and six months ago, which lead us apart. When he broke up with me, I was confuse and did not know what to do to get him back, I felt so empty inside. Until i came across Dr. OSUN on the internet on how He has helped so many people solve there various problems. i emailed Him and I told Him my problem and I did what he asked me to do for him to help me, to briefly make the long story short, Before I knew it, in less than a week, my boyfriend gave me a call and he came back to me and told me he was sorry about what was going on between the both of us, he engaged me and we got married. With the help of Dr. OSUN, I also gave birth to Twins. I'm so grateful to Dr. OSUN and His super natural spell casting powers and i will not stop publishing his name on the internet just for the good work he has done for me. If you need his help, you can email him at or call his phone number +2347035519489 and he will also help you too. I will be forever grateful to you (DR. OSUN). Website

Unknown said...

My name is Handford Ann,i base in canada.i want to share my wonderful testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back, he left me to another woman for no reason and i try to make things work for both of us yet things where getting worse and i love him so much and there is nothing i could do to get my ex back until i met a testimony share by Maria from USA on the internet talking about a powerful spell caster who brought his ex lover back within 48hours and i decide to give it a try and to my greatest surprise he also did it for me just as he did for Maria and i have a lot of people complaining of fake spell caster but this one i met was a real spell caster who help me to solve my problem i have no solution to,i introduce many of my best friends that have a similar problems,and their problem were solve with the great help of dr.Trust.they get back their ex within 48 hours.i am so happy that my ex is back to me again,and the most surprise,is that our love is very strong,every day is happiness and joy. and there is nothing like been with the man you love.i am so happy my love is back to me with the help of Dr.Trust.if you have similar problem i will advice you to contact him ,he is there to help you and put a smile on your face ask he did to me and email( or call +2348156885231) via web sit:

Unknown said...

Hello every body My Names is Clara Williams, AM from United states .i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in June last year on a business summit i meet a man called Dr ogududu, is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to taxes my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help his email address: or call +2348144368825 THANK YOU DR

Anonymous said...


After going through Barbara testimony,i was amazed and was thinking if it was true, i contacted DR LOVE SOLUTION urgently for help on getting back by EX, Frank was the love of my life and i really loved him.So when i shared everything with Dr LOVE he said my lover will be back to me within 48 hours i was like 48 hours he said yes.Really the most amazing thing was that the time was not up to 24hours a man who left me for almost 4years i got a call from him...Sharing tears that he wants to see me..i said he should come over which he did.He cried and said i should forgive him.i said i have and he said he wants to prove himself that he will never leave me for another he gave me access to his account and me is beneficiary.Am so happy and grateful to DR LOVE SOLUTION for what he has done for me bringing back joy to my life. He just told me to tell friends and more people to contact him for any kind of help, Friends i can swear by anything DR LOVE is a man you can contact for help and he is trustworthy.Here his is private mail or and cell number +2348038096203.

Unknown said...

Hello i am Cynthia by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. One day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster Dr Razzi have help a woman to get back her husband and I gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that I will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks for His great work here is email: "

laura said...

Hello am Laura from the united state,
I read some testimony about DR bakaba on how he
has helped people in bringing back there ex within
48hours i was just thinking if that was real, because i
wanted to contact him to help me get back my ex so
one day i decided to call a lady who made a testimony
and also dropped her number, so i called her and ask
her about DR bakaba she said DR bakaba is a
trustworthy man that him will do anything you ask
from him, i was just so happy and a little bit relief that
my lover will be back to me soon,Then i decided in
contacting Dr bakaba which i did, and before i could
share him my problem he has already told me what i
came for, and he said everything will be okay within
48hours that my lover will be back to my arms, so he
said he would be casting the spell and that within
48hours my lover would call me, so i hoped so truly
before the 48hours i got a call from a man who has
left me for the past 2years saying he is sorry and he
wants me back,i was happy and i said i also want him
back, then i traveled to UK to meet him up, and he
apologized for what he has done to me now he
proposed to marry me and we are both preparing for
our wedding soon, All thanks to the great and World
best spell caster, Dr bakaba His private mail

Anonymous said...

Attention Everyone,

West Africa Loan Company Ltd is using this medium to inform the general public that we are currently giving out capital to those that are in need of fund to buy a House,Finish uncomplete Project and Establish new business firm in the whole. We are british organization set up for the purpose of lending capital to the Industries,Private Company,Business Men/Women,Individuals,etc,our loan interest rate is range on 3.5 and we also give out capitals in different currency of your choice. Our minimum duration is 1 year while our maximum duration is 30 years,contact us today for more information concerning our loan program via email We await your applications.

Mr.Patrick Munro(MD)

Unknown said...

my Name is lisa, i have be sick of cancer for the pass 2 years and my Husband left me for another woman because of my illness and i have be seeking for help, i was told to provide £8,500 pounds for the operation and i have be saving to make sure the operation is done but i was only able to save £3500 pounds. when i was searching through the internet, i met with 2 different spell casters who took my £ 2,000 pounds and they never helped me. When i went to see my sister in Auckland, New Zealand, a friend who i met at my sister house directed me to Dr. UKO who has help him cast a spell and i never believe in spell. I contacted the man with the email and requested for a healing and return my Husband back spell and he told me i will be heal in 19 days after the spell have be cast on me so that was how it all started with my wife who left me for another man then after 5 days, i started seeing changes in my body, i was very surprise that on the 14th days my cancer was ill. On the 17th day my Husband was back with more apology and we are presently united. I want every one out there to help me thank Dr. UKO for the life he has restored. Who ever need help should contact him through or call him on +2348036541867 or +2348115200304

Anonymous said...

My Name is christopher.I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met DR Love special spell caster when i went to Africa to Execute some business.He is really powerful spell caster,My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she's going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years...So when i told the Dr Love spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she's with a man and that man is the reason why she left me. Dr Love said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back but i never believe all this...he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream because i never believe this will work out after trying so many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid coming .. Dr Love has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him to his personal email or +2348038096203 .good luck

Monica Smith said...

Hello I am Maylene Nodalo Atienza from London UK, just want to say thank to Dr. Iyaryi the great spell caster.My marriage of 8years with two kids was about to come to an end when the great spell caster came to my aid.After 2days that he began work my husband came back and told me he did not know what came over him that made him file a was like i miracle because i had pleased with him for weeks,and i bought him a brand new car which he rejected and i even ask for the reason he wanted to divorce me but he said nothing. i was unhappy he has left me for another woman i saw Dr. Iyaryi i told him my problem he said he is going to him me get him back i thought it was a jock he said in four days my husband is going to come back to me on that faithful week my husband called me and said he is coming back home it was a dream to me until i saw him that we were all happy please every body in case you are facing this kind of problem contacted him he is a great man email. Thanks Dr. Iyaryi

Isco said...


Hello all my viewers My name is Morgan Elizabeth from USA! I am very happy for sharing this great testimonies,The best thing that has ever happened in my life is how I win the lottery euro million mega jackpot. I am a woman who believe that one day I will win the lottery. finally my dreams came through when I email Dr osebor. and tell him I need the lottery numbers. I have spend so much money on ticket just to make sure I win. But I never know that winning was so easy until the day I meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great and the best in casting any spell you think off lottery spell, . so I decide to give it a try.I contacted this great Dr osebor and he did a spell caster and he gave me hope that whatever sin i don't understand and any number that comes to my mind i should pink the lottery numbers that there will be a spirit moving in me to the numbers so i did what he tell me to do and everything that he told me was de same i don't no what was in me. really, But believe me when the draws were out I was among winners. I win 80,000 million US Dollars. Dr.osebor truly you are the best,with these great Doctor you can win millions of cash through lottery.I am so very happy to meet these great man now, I will be forever be grateful to you doctor if you are in need of any problems to be solved contact him on this problems:
(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)[You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)If you want to stop your Divorce
10)Help bringing people out of prison
(11)Marriage Spells
(12)Miracle Spells
(13)Beauty Spells
(15)Attraction Spells
(16)Evil Eye Spells
(17)Kissing Spell
(18)Remove Sickness Spells
(21)lottery spell
(22) Charm to get who to love you.
Contact him today on: your problems will be solved..
Email him for your own winning lottery numbers or you can call him for your own help to win big money today cell number +2348105217305 .

from Morgan Elizabeth post (USA)thanks for reading.........

Ellen Alemany said...

Hello everyone my name is Ellen Alemany I’m here to share a testimony on how my HIV was cure by a herbal doctor with the help of herbal medicine and herbal soap, As we all know medically, there is no solution or cure for HIV and the cost for Medication is very expensive. Someone introduced me to a man (Native Medical Practitioner) I showed the man all my Tests and Results and I told him i have already diagnosed with HIV and have spent thousands of dollars on medication. I said I will like to try him cause someone introduced me to him. He asked me sorts of questions and I answered him correctly. To cut the story short, He gave me some medicinal soaps and some herbs and he thought me how am going to use them all. At first I was skeptical but I just gave it a try. I was on his Medication for 2 weeks and I used all the soaps and herbs according to his prescription. That he will finish the rest himself. And I called him 3 days after, I arrived and I told him what is the next thing he said, he has been expecting my call. He told me to visit my doctor for another test. Honestly speaking, i never believe all he was saying until after the test when my doctor mention the statement that am, HIV negative and the doctor started asking me how come about the cure, And I make a promise to Dr Ainabe that if I’m heal I will testify his good work in my life, if there is anyone out there who may need the help of Dr Ainabe you can email him via his email address: you can also call and whastApp him on: +2348158671457 For any type of sickness he can cure any disease.

Ellen Alemany said...

Hello everyone my name is Ellen Alemany I’m here to share a testimony on how my HIV was cure by a herbal doctor with the help of herbal medicine and herbal soap, As we all know medically, there is no solution or cure for HIV and the cost for Medication is very expensive. Someone introduced me to a man (Native Medical Practitioner) I showed the man all my Tests and Results and I told him i have already diagnosed with HIV and have spent thousands of dollars on medication. I said I will like to try him cause someone introduced me to him. He asked me sorts of questions and I answered him correctly. To cut the story short, He gave me some medicinal soaps and some herbs and he thought me how am going to use them all. At first I was skeptical but I just gave it a try. I was on his Medication for 2 weeks and I used all the soaps and herbs according to his prescription. That he will finish the rest himself. And I called him 3 days after, I arrived and I told him what is the next thing he said, he has been expecting my call. He told me to visit my doctor for another test. Honestly speaking, i never believe all he was saying until after the test when my doctor mention the statement that am, HIV negative and the doctor started asking me how come about the cure, And I make a promise to Dr Ainabe that if I’m heal I will testify his good work in my life, if there is anyone out there who may need the help of Dr Ainabe you can email him via his email address: you can also call and whastApp him on: +2348158671457 For any type of sickness he can cure any disease.

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

Hello my dear people , I am Anita Frank, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in April 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not full prey to those hoodlums at there that call them self money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I met Mr. Wilson Edwards the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advice you to contact Mr. Edwards if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… ( No credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr. Wilson Edwards today for your loan
They offer all kind of categories of loan they
Short term loan (5_10years)
Long term loan (20_40)
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They offer loan like
Home loan............., Business loan........ Debt loan .......
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Email..........( )
When it comes to financial crisis and loan then Wilson Edwards loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Anita Frank direct you Good Luck.......................

olokun said...


Do you want to keep your business at the top? Do you want to obliterate your competitors? We offer solutions that will keep your business growing from strength to strength.We enable you to Increase your wealth tremendously Attraction of clients for your business. Success in all business undertakings and performance. Counteract competition. Ours is a mixture of African traditional medicine, spiritualism, psychic powers, rituals, native healing, spell casting, all of which are designed to take care of whatever adversity you may face. Our solutions are tailor designed depending on the nature of your problem or adversity. Ours is a constant mission to ensure that good prevails over evil and to ensure that you have peace of mind, success and happiness. We have a proven track record, having honed our skills from experiences and tradition passed down through the centuries from our forefathers. We deal with occult, mysticism and the paranormal. We do email, phone and private readings and consultations to enable you take control of the situation and control your destiny. We have divine powers that enable you to connect to your forefathers or ancestors to give you guidance in life and enable you to change the course of your destiny, thank you once again for reading this post and I know you may be going through a lot of problems and you are scared to consult anyone on internet, due to the facts of your past experience. You have nothing to worry about, as you contact us with any of this problems listed below:
1. Getting your lover or husband back*
2. Spiritual bulletproof*
3. Training*
4. Money spell*
5. Long life spell*
6. Prosperity spell*
7. Protection spell*
8. Get a job spell*
9. Becoming a manager spell*
10. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell*
11. Getting your scam money back*
12. Child spell*
13. Pregnancy spell*
14. Freedom spell*
15. Love spell*
16. Vanishing spell*
17. Invisible human spell*
18. Success or pass spell*
19. Marriage spell*
20. Avenging spell*
21. Popularity spell*
22. Killing spell*
23. Cancer spell*
24. Supernatural power spell*
25. Madness spell*
26. Free house loan spell*
27. Production spell of films and movie*
28. Hiv/aids spell*
29. Tuberculosis spell*
30. Loose weight and body spell*
Contact lord zaros_zuries today at

shane said...

lord aguma is one of the best spell caster out there, if not the best. Since he's been out here, all his clients have reported amazing results, that were fast. lord zaros_zuries also is a caring and nice person easy to communicate with. His prices are more than fair considering the quality of the service he provides. You got it? If you need a spell, i highly recommend you to contact him via email address; and see how things are going on with him.

kimberly said...

My boy friend dumped me 8 months ago after I accused him of seeing another woman and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refused to have any contact with me, He changed his line, block me from sending him email and Facebook, I was so confuse and don't know what to do, o I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimonies of how this powerful spell caster help them to get their love back. So I contact the spell caster whose name is
lord zaros_zuries and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 2days that my lover will return to me, and to my greatest surprise the Second day my love came knocking at my door and ask me to forgive him. I am so happy that my lover is back again. Once again thank you lord zaros_zuries, you are truly talented and gifted. He is the only answer to your problems.He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing his name for the good work he did for me and people are still talking about him on the Internet, his email address is; contact him for any problem you have he will help you out

natasha said...

Wow i never thought i will be happy in my life again, i want you all to thank lord aguma, he is a father that takes care of his children the spell caster of our time, he has saved me from a very ugly situation that almost made my life miserable and i want you all to thank him for me, my husband and i have be married for so many years now with children and the relationship was being threatened by a small girl in his working place, she was almost destroying my home i met so many spell casters but to no avail until i met a friend who came from Africa and she told me about lord aguma, and i decided to contact him and try him out as i was losing faith in all spell casters, but he told me not to worry that now am in his temple everything will be alright he assured me 100% that his spell has no side effects and that it will work straight and save my home and my marriage, and after he has performed the sacrifices and casted the spell, my husband came back to us with love and affection and he loved us more and more and he never looked back or none did his love for me waiver, if you are also experiencing this sort of your situation in your home, if your husband is drifting away, if you are experiencing a broken home or you have lost your husband to a young woman outside there then look no further help is here as lord aguma is ready to help you out okay, for any of your problem is it financial needs, revenge spell, job spell, promotion spell, what kind of spell, do you know lord aguma is going to solve it for you? i have promise to always talk of his good works to the world in general and to any body who cares to listen, you can email him on his personal email: and he will attend to you, as soon as possible, Thank you great father.

Anonymous said...

My Name is Norma Thomas i am from USA Maryland Rockville,i don't even know how to start but i must confess i am in deed speechless,i am very grateful for what Dr uduga has done for me, my boyfriend FRED told me he was no longer interested in the relationship without no solid reason i tried to ask him why the sudden change towards me but he just told me that he his tired of the relationship and that we should part ways,i was just thinking may be it was a joke and we both went to bed before i could wake up i saw that Fred has packed all his belongings and even went ahead to change his number i was so bitter for the straight 5 months he left but thank God for Dr uduga who helped me out after i contacted him and explained everything to him he just told me to put my mind at rest that he promises me that within 2 days i will meet my lover at home i was so happy and joyful waited for the 2 days after which i have sent Dr uduga some few details,i went to work on the second day as i got home saw my neighbor laughing was wondering why she was smiling she just told me to go in my mind never went about meeting Fred i was shocked when i saw FRED at home he came on his knees to apologies i am so happy for this wonderful thing DR uduga has done for me there is no one like him and almighty God you can contact him through his email,+2348073688823

Monica Brown said...

Ruth Moore replied to Dr oyinbo Use Spell Casters To Helped Me Bring Back My Husband.:

An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my husband back to me.. My name is Lucia Scott, i live in Florida,USA,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.{}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back in the next 24hours up to 28 hours.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same email,if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back. So thanks to Dr oyinbo for bringing back my husband ,and brought great joy to my family once again. {}, or call+2348074066640 Thanks.

alexsandra said...

my name is Jose Alexandra . Seriously i flattened when my Husband of five years left to be with another woman in Scotland. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I couldn't bear it anymore. and i reached out to the Internet for help, until i hit on the real thing, and that is LORD AGUMA. I almost gave up trying to get my Husband back and having a contented family again.. I had tried the whole lot I knew, and with spells i can get him back because i have heard a lot about lord aguma, blessings and extraordinary magical powers, he did all the work, and immediately after 48 hours, my Husband came back to me and he was penitent for everything that he has done. And now my life is balanced and i am happy again. LORD AGUMA you do a great service to people, and I don't think many people had known about you. You are the diamond in the rough. Thank you LORD AGUMA You are talented and you give off yourself so freely like you did to me. Thank you for weaving your magical love spells for me and Sergio. He is back to me just the way it was when we first met.. from the depths of my soul! I am immensely happy now. Thank you and God bless you so much sir. now my man is back to me just in 48 hours, as you have said i am fully rewarded. Thank you so much sir, Lots of appreciations.. Here is LORD AGUMA contact Jose Alexandra from Texas.

Jillian Maxwell said...

Hello friends i am over whelmed of what dr zack balo did for me he brought back my love who left for 8months without notice, i have been looking for how to get him back to my life because i love him with the whole of my heart, i could not replace him with any body,one day i was watching my television when i saw a lady giving thanks to dr zack balo and telling the world how he helped her i was so shocked i could not believe it because i never thaught that there are powers that can bring back lost lover, then that was how i decided to contact him too because i do really need my lover back,when i contacted him i told him everything and he told me not to worry that my lover will surely be back to my arms within 3days at first i could not believe because i was thinking how could somebody that has gone for 8months come back within 3days,so then i decided to watch and see,unbelievable within the next 3days i heard a call from unknown number so i decided to pick the call the next thing i could hear was my loves voice he was pleading and begging me on the phone that i should forgive him that i should forget all that have happened that he did not know what came over him,he promised not to leave for any reason, that he was really sorry for what he did,i was so surprised because i never believed that this could happen,so that was how i accepted his apology and the next morning he came to my house and still pleading for me to forgive him i told him that everything is okay that i have forgiven him, that was how we started again and now we are married, i promised to say this testimony in radio station, commenting this testimony is still okay but before this week runs out i promise to say this in radio station and i will,sir thank you very much.World please am begging you people to try and thank this man for me,or if you need his help here is his phone number +2348078927387 or email him on his email address:

Unknown said...


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Anonymous said...

Seriously i flattened when my Husband of 8 years left to be with another woman in Washington. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I couldn't bear it anymore. and i reached out to the Internet for help, until i hit on the real thing, and that is you Dr.Great. ( I almost gave up trying to get my Ex Husband back and having a contented family again.. I had tried the whole lot I knew, and with your spells, blessings and extraordinary magical powers, you did all the work, and immediately after 48 hours, my Ex Husband came back to me and he was penitent for everything that he has done. And now my life is balanced and i am happy again. Dr.Great you do a great service to people, and I don't think many people had known about you. You are the diamond in the rough. Thank you Dr.Great You are talented and you give off yourself so freely like you did to me. Thank you for weaving your magical love spells for me and Victor. He is back to me just the way it was when we first met.. from the depths of my soul! I am immensely happy now. Thank you and God bless you so much sir. now my man is back to me just in 48 hours, as you have said i am fully rewarded. Thank you so much sir, Lots of appreciations.. Here is Dr.Great Email:

Unknown said...

Thank you sir for your genuine spells. I'm Bryon Stewart by name. From USA Taxes I came across many testimonies on net testifying of Dr Ogudu a voodoo spell caster that will help you cast a LOTTERY spell and give you the rightful numbers to win the lottery, i didn't believe it, at first but as life got badder i decided to take a try, now my try has made me a millionaire, i have been playing all types of lottery since 7 years now but i have not win up to $500,after contacting him he cast the spell and give me the hot winning numbers and i won( TWO MILLIONS DOLLARS) now i am a living testimony of the good works of Dr Ogudu A gifted man with a great powers, it is my secret but i decided to make the world known to it as it might be a help to any one who is interested, VIA EMAIL [OGUDUSPELLTEMPLE@YAHOO.COM] WHATSAPP NUMBER +2348106058254""WEBSITE_
....yours faithful client Bryon stewart

Unknown said...

Life has been filled with challenges ever since my husband left me and move on with another woman. Most times i had thought of ending it all. Things became worst when I lost my home, family and all to Hurricane Matthew and I became a refugee in my own country, Haiti. The only property I had left was an Internet-enabled phone in my pocket. One faithful day, i found one Doctor Iwajowa on the Internet, on Face-book. Someone from the US had testified of many great things that Doctor Iwajowa had done for her and her family. I contacted him and the rest they say is history.Today i am happily married to a soldier I met in camp, and i am getting my happiness back again. I cannot keep this happiness to myself because i am not selfish. You too can contact Doctor Iwajowa on E-mail: DRIWAJOWASPELLTEMEPLE@GMAIL.COM or call him on phone +2348103508204 Whatsapp.,

Monica Smith said...

Hello Every One Out Here

I'm from United Kingdom (GB), London. This is certainly a shocking and a genuine live Testimony!!!! It was hard for me to believe when i saw a comment on the internet regarding how Dr Iyaryi help people winning lottery by sending them the winning numbers. This winning numbers are 100% guarantee that you must win the lottery. I give it a try and i won ($55 Million Pounds). My dreams came through when i email Dr Iyaryi i told him i need the lottery numbers. i have come a long way spending money on ticket just to make sure i win. But i never know that winning was so easy until the day i meant the spell caster online which so many people has talked about that he is very great in casting lottery spell, so i decide to give it a try.I contacted this man and he did a perfect spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers. I won (Fifty Five Millions Pounds) Dr Iyaryi truly you are the best, with these man you can win millions of money through lottery. once again i say very big thanks to you sir for helping me to win the lottery, and please sir keep your good work because people need your help in their lives Email him: or And also Reach him on WhatsApp Number: +2349057915709 Thanks Dr. Iyaryi

Anonymous said...

This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Robin Muller, and I base in England. My life is back! After 2 years of marriage, my husband left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. who I met on-line. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the Internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called Jessica, she testified about how Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she gave ME e-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give Chief Dr Obelu Irabora try. I contacted him with his via email address ( ) and explained my problem to him. and he told me what to provide, then i do. In just 2 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Chief Dr Obelu Irabor is really a talented and gifted man and I will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful DOCTOR...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: .. Thank you once again Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. Contact him for the following PROBLEMS:
(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)[You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)If you want to stop your Divorce.
10)Help bringing people out of prison.
(11)Marriage Spells
(12)Miracle Spells
(13)Beauty Spells
(15)Attraction Spells
(16)Evil Eye Spells.
(17)Kissing Spell
(18)Remove Sickness Spells.
(21) Charm to get who to love you.
(22) cure HIV/AID
Call or whatsapp
Chief Dr Obelu Irabor

Robin Muller said...

This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Robin Muller, and I base in England. My life is back! After 2 years of marriage, my husband left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. who I met on-line. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the Internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called Jessica, she testified about how Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she gave ME e-mail address. After reading all these, I decided to give Chief Dr Obelu Irabora try. I contacted him with his via email address ( ) and explained my problem to him. and he told me what to provide, then i do. In just 2 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Chief Dr Obelu Irabor is really a talented and gifted man and I will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful DOCTOR...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: .. Thank you once again Chief Dr Obelu Irabor. Contact him for the following PROBLEMS:
(1)If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3)You want to be promoted in your office.
(4)You want women/men to run after you.
(5)If you want a child.
(6)[You want to be rich.
(7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
(8)If you need financial assistance.
(9)If you want to stop your Divorce.
10)Help bringing people out of prison.
(11)Marriage Spells
(12)Miracle Spells
(13)Beauty Spells
(15)Attraction Spells
(16)Evil Eye Spells.
(17)Kissing Spell
(18)Remove Sickness Spells.
(21) Charm to get who to love you.
(22) cure HIV/AID
Call or whatsapp
Chief Dr Obelu Irabor

Unknown said...

Hello everyone, I am proud to testify this testimony. i saw a post on how a lady got her husband back and i decided to try the spell caster that helped her because my relationship was crashing. although i never believed in spell work i reluctantly tried him because i was desperate but to my greatest surprise the spell caster Dr aluya helped me get my husband back,after 5 month of divorce and my relationship is now perfect just as he promised, my husband now treats me like a queen even when he had told me before he doesn't love me anymore. well, i cannot say much but if you are passing through difficulties in your relationship contact him on his email: OR call his number +2347064851317
you can also visit his website for help

Unknown said...

Hello all viewer online HIV has cure but doctor said HIV/Aids has no cure until i met Dr Benson who help me in my life. I was infected with HIV/AIDS in 2006, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so I was thinking how can I get a solution, so that my body can be okay. until this faithful day as i was browsing the net I saw a testimony on how Dr.Benson helped people in curing HIV Disease, quickly I copied his Email which is so i contacted him for solution for my HIV, so Dr.Benson told me that his going to prepare herbal medicine for my health, then he prepared the medicine and luckily after two week my herpes was be cured. Dr Benson is well recognize as one of the best herbalist doctor in Africa, you don't have to be sad anymore or share your tears anymore on this disease when the cure have already be found by Dr, Benson herbal medicine, he also cure HERPES,CANCER, ALS,HEPATITIS B, DIABETIC , Add him on whats-apps +2348141972381 Thanks.

Peter james said...

My name is Peter James From USA, Dr tebe is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn't find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr tebe, i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that any one who contacted him is always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you,so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so i will to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative,i am very amazed and happy about the healing DrTebe gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs But if you feel like contacting Dr tebe at once you can email him now for your own healing too at:( or email him on his other email for fast help ( add him on whatsapp +2348140544262 Thanks

Unknown said...

I can't express how grateful I am to Dr Alli for helping me to win $1 million dollars in lottery. I'm Corey Donovan from Colorado USA I love to play lottery but I have never won but I believed that I will win a huge amount of money in lottery someday, when I search on how to win a lottery I came across Dr Alli email when someone was testifying on how Dr Alli helped him to win a lottery I email him and told him that I need lotto numbers after sometime he send me the lotto numbers after playing it I won $1 million dollars thanks to Dr Alli. If you need lotteries numbers email Dr Alli at ( ) you can also add him up on whatsapp +2348100772528